Has it been a long time since windows were installed in your home?

Dealing with high energy bills or rooms that are always colder than they should be?

Or they just don't seem to work properly?

If any of these situations sound familiar, it may be a good time to consider replacing your windows.

While windows may seem like a simple thing, there are actually many different things that you should consider when making your decision.

Here are some of the most important things to look for when choosing replacement windows.



Like cars, phones and computers, windows are also available with different features. Which features you should look for will depend on how you want your windows to function and whether you think it will make them easier to maintain. For example, if you are replacing windows on a second floor of your home, you may want to consider having windows that make it easier to clean the outside of the window. Or if you're trying to make your home more energy efficient, you'll want to look for triple-glazed windows that provide even 30% better insulation. If you live in a very noisy area, double or triple glazed windows are great for reducing noise in your home.


Materials – uPVC – Aluminum – Wood

Windows are available in many different materials, and the type of material you choose will make a big difference not only to the look of your home, but also to how well they perform, how much effort you have to put into maintaining them, and how much it costs. For example, uPVC replacement windows are one of the most popular types of windows for many reasons. They are more moisture resistant, more energy efficient than many other types of windows and require very little maintenance. On the other hand, many homeowners love the look of timber windows, but they are the most expensive type of replacement window and require much more maintenance than uPVC windows. Nevertheless, there are wood-colored uPVC frames where many people find it difficult to distinguish them from the real thing. Finally, many choose aluminum windows for some unique coloring at the expense of energy efficiency, but the same aesthetic effect can be achieved with an external aluminum profile applied to the new uPVC series combining aesthetics and functionality.



Windows come in a wide variety of styles that can make a dramatic difference in how your home looks and how comfortable your home is. Bi-hung and tilt windows are one of the most popular window styles and have two sashes that can be opened and provide ventilation. The windows combined with a large fixed glazing let in a lot of natural light, but cannot be opened. Sliding windows are a great way to let in more light, improve your view and open up without losing space inside. Blinds within the glazing are a very popular option. Unlike other types of windows, they seal the blind inside the double glazing and give the house a modern character by making shading easy, saving energy. These are just a few of the most popular window styles, so be sure to do your research to figure out which style would work best in your home.


Energy efficiency

One of the most common reasons homeowners choose to replace their windows is because they are trying to make their home more energy efficient. If this is what you're hoping to achieve, be sure to look for windows that have energy-coated glass and lots of glass with argon gas in the gap. You'll also want to look for windows with a low U-conductivity typically around 1 – 1.2. The U-value indicates how much heat is passing through a window, so a lower number here is definitely a good thing.

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